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tamagotchi ocean log one
tamagotchi ocean log two

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Tamagotchi Ocean Images

Below you will find some basic Tamagotchi Ocean and Japanese Umino images that have been on Tamagotchi Planet for years. I have not included the pixel animations here as they make more sense within the logs as they are now. Also since I have not gotten all of the Tamagotchi Ocean characters, I have not made all the animations possible. Hopefully I will have more images to add to this section in the future.

Japanese Umino Tamagotch Growth Chart
English Tamagotchi Ocean Growth Chart
Bandai English Tamagotchi Ocean Advertisement
Japanese Umino Tamagotch Styles

Tamagotchi, Tamagotchi Ocean are the property of Bandai Co., Ltd. and Bandai America Incorporated.
Copyright © 1997 and on, Mystic Fortress All Rights Reserved