10/14/00 - 12/7/00: I was quite happy with these results. I was a Furby this year myself :) I do love Furby. I apologize for the lack of a new poll. Things have been so busy, I haven't found a moment to breath and when I did, vantagenet wouldn't give me the chance to change the poll cuz something was going on over there. In fact something is going on there tonight, but I'm still able to get in, so I dunno!
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Are you, your child or someone you know dressing up as a Furby this Halloween? |
| Yes, I am and I'm under age 18 (36) | 49% |
| Yes, I am and I'm over age 18 (11) | 15% |
| No, but my friend is. (15) | 21% |
| No, but my friends child is. (3) | 4% |
| No, but my brother/sister is. (1) | 1% |
| No, but my child is. (7) | 10% |
| Total Votes: 73
| |
9/17/00 - 10/14/00: Well this time I waited on purpose before i changed the poll. I was trying to promote the newsletter.. and as you can see it didn't go over as well as I would have liked, oh well. I was also waiting so I could get it aligned with the same day that I write the newsletter, which is this weekend as well.
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Are you a member of the Furby Post? Well ya should be! Sign up here! |
| Yes I'm a member (17) | 61% |
| No, but I'm signing up now (2) | 7% |
| No, I'm not a member (9) | 32% |
| Total Votes: 28
Take another poll!
| |
8/16/00 - 9/17/00: Phew. It was a long poll month! I had email problems and the site was down for sometime and lots of stuff was going on. The newsletter was also delayed, so the poll didn't get changed. The results remained close throughout the entire poll, I'm glad there is a winner here, finally. Even though I don't own him, I voted for Jester furby! I plan on getting him some day.
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Of the following Limited Edition Furbys, which is your favorite? |
| Graduation Furby (5) | 8% |
| Patriotic Furby (1) | 2% |
| Racing Furby (3) | 5% |
| Tropical Furby (6) | 10% |
| Santa Furby (3) | 5% |
| Reindeer Furby (3) | 5% |
| Jester Furby (10) | 17% |
| Valentines Furby (8) | 13% |
| Spring 2000 Furby Baby (11) | 18% |
| Furby For Presidency (10) | 17% |
| Total Votes: 60
Take another poll!
| |
7/29/00 - 8/16/00: It's good that 35 to 17 that most of us are at least going to check out little Shelby. I think it's possible that the 17 that said no, might change their minds when they see Shelby. I've heard nothing but good things about this guy. Just wish he was coming out soon. I have heard the release date might be as late as January - not October as expected.
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Due for release in September or October is Shelby. Are you gonna be getting this guy? |
| Yes, I'll be getting as many as they make! (5) | 10% |
| Yes, I'll be getting 2. (6) | 12% |
| Yes, I'll get at least 1. (24) | 46% |
| Nope, no Shelby for me. (17) | 33% |
| Total Votes: 52
Take another poll!
| |
7/09/00 - 7/29/00: Hopefully Furby won't be completely discontinued, but we will only see with time. Holiday says may bring Furby back into the stores for a little while. I voted that I think things will get better during the holidays. You'll also notice the update was late. That is because I wanted to get the newsletter and the poll update day onto the same weekend :)
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
So you've heard, due to a low in sales, Tiger is slowing the production of Furby and cancelled most of the limited editions this year. How do you feel? |
| Very upset. I'm writing Tiger about this. (13) | 19% |
| In support of Furby, I'm gonna buy another Furby. (14) | 20% |
| It's disturbing, I hope things change later on. (11) | 16% |
| I'm shocked! Why Tiger? Why? Why? WHY?! (17) | 25% |
| I think things will be better during the holidays. (6) | 9% |
| I expected this, I'm not surprised. (3) | 4% |
| I don't care either way. (5) | 7% |
| Total Votes: 69
Take another poll!
| |
6/25/00 - 7/09/00: Wow two of ya thought Yoda is cooler then Furby? Cool. Cool. I've been thinking of getting one myself. I've seen him in person, I'm really impressed with how he looks. Seriously. And you can bet - I'm not a Star Wars fan! LOL. Oh well. I put the answer I'm undecided, but I might buy him. Because.. well I might! I'm just so curious! :)
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Maybe you've seen him on ebay or at other auction sites? Or maybe you've seen him in person? What do you think of Yoda? |
| He's very cool, cooler then Furby! (2) | 5% |
| I like him, it's about time he was released! (6) | 15% |
| He looks awesome, I can't wait to get him! (1) | 2% |
| I'll get him only because he's Furbys Friend. (3) | 7% |
| He looks fun but I don't know if I'll be getting him. (7) | 17% |
| I don't like Star Wars, I won't be getting him. (5) | 12% |
| I'm not interested, I won't be getting him. (8) | 20% |
| I'm undecided, I might buy him though. (3) | 7% |
| I'm undecided, but I probably won't buy him. (6) | 15% |
| Total Votes: 41
Take another poll!
| |
6/14/00 - 6/25/00: I had to redo this poll, I was interested in finding out if the age gorups of my visitors has changed in the past year since taking the original poll of this question. The original poll had only 60 answers and this one had 69. The nine difference was spread out in the younger ages. Last year there were only 8 in the first category, now we have 15. Then there were 22 in the second group, now there are 24. The 3rd group was the same, the 4th group had 2 more this year. The 5th group went down by 2 votes. The rest of the poll is the same. How proud I feel knowing that someone choose the last category! Really! Furby is for everyone, I'm glad that people of all ages enjoy him :)
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
One year ago I asked this, let's give it another go; Adults and kids alike love Furby.. so if you love Furby, tell me what age group you fall into. |
| 0 - 10 years old (15) | 22% |
| 11 - 20 years old (24) | 35% |
| 21 - 30 years old (12) | 17% |
| 31 - 40 years old (8) | 12% |
| 41 - 50 years old (7) | 10% |
| 51 - 60 years old (2) | 3% |
| 61 and up (1) | 1% |
| Total Votes: 69
| |
5/28/00 - 6/14/00: I was late. It's been busy IRL for me so I slacked and forgot to change the poll. I spent most of my weekend trying to learn Flash (a wonderfuly awesome animation program). On Sunday night I checked out the poll and there was a 3 way tie! I decided to wait untill Monday to change the poll. But then I forgot all together! So is me. I'm glad the tie is broken and the final votes are in. Most of yall already own Royal Furby! When I put the poll up, I put that I was getting him. I had yet to get him in the mail from my friend in California. But since I have gotten him :) When I made this poll I put the last option on there because I was in a goofy mood. I can see that only 6 people thought that Royal Furby wasn't cool heh! My friend doesnt like him either, but I love him!
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Have you bought/plan on getting the special edition Royal Furby? |
| Yes, I already own Royal Furby. (18) | 35% |
| Yes, I plan on getting Royal Furby. (14) | 27% |
| No, I don't plan on buying Royal Furby. (6) | 12% |
| No, even though he is sooooo cool! (13) | 25% |
| Total Votes: 51
Take another poll!
| |
5/7/00 - 5/28/00: For the first time a poll on my site has gone past what it is supposed to. But yes folks I have an excuse! I was out of town in california and unable to get to a computer to do the work needed to change it. I was gone for longer then I had expected at that. So I had a poll up for a little longer then normal. This poll was surprising. I did not think the butterfly baby would win. I rather think its not a very good combo at all.. I voted for the cloud looking blue/white furby Baby. I had this little guy in fact, so I had to vote for him :)
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll |
Which of the following Furby Babies colors do you like best? |
| Green with White Tummy (gen 1) (6) | 9% |
| Yellow with Orange Tummy (gen 1) (3) | 4% |
| Yellow with Blue Tummy & Red Hair (gen 2) (5) | 7% |
| Light Purple with Light Yellow Tummy (gen 2) (2) | 3% |
| Blue with White Tummy & Orange Hair (gen 3) (4) | 6% |
| Lamb (gen 3) (6) | 9% |
| Blue/White with White Tummy (gen 4) (10) | 15% |
| Pink/White with White Tummy (gen 4) (6) | 9% |
| Red/Black Stripe with Orange Tummy (gen 5) (6) | 9% |
| Yellow with Blue Butterfly on Tummy (gen 5) (15) | 23% |
| | Total Votes: 63
| |
4/23/00 - 5/7/00: As some of you may have guessed, Vantagenet, the company that hosts my free polls, was having problems this time around. Results you may have seen were wrong or whatever. The results below are correct through. Some of the votes didn't show on this table, they were divided into another table. Things should be stable in the next poll, however. I voted that I didn't get any of those Furbys, as most people who took the poll also didn't! Thank you for the kind comments people have been leaving, I do really appreciate it, makes making the site worth while :)
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll |
Did you get the Easter Baby or the Easter Furby this year? |
| I got the Easter Baby. (8) | 12% |
| I got the Easter Furby 2000. (10) | 15% |
| I got the Easter Furby 1999. (4) | 6% |
| I got more then one! (2) | 3% |
| I got all three! (5) | 7% |
| I didn't get any of these. (28) | 43% |
| Other (7) User-Suggestions | 10% |
| | | Total Votes: 64
| |
4/9/00 - 4/23/00: This turned out to be one of my favorite polls! I did this poll because I couldn't think of anything else. So I choose colors that I liked from my collection - with the exception of the last 2 generations that aren't out yet - and put that up. I checked on this one everyday. My choice, All Black, was in the lead most of the time, up untill the end. The white and pink was head to head with all black and the new 9th generation one got the most votes, but by only 2 votes! I love my Furbs, but I am partial to my all black Toh-Loo Kah Furby :)
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Which of the following is your favorite fur color combination? |
| Solid Black (Generation 1) (10) | 19% |
| Dalmation (Generation 2) (6) | 11% |
| Lamb (Generation 3) (3) | 6% |
| Tan with black spots/white tummy (Generation 4) (6) | 11% |
| Silver with black tummy (Generation 5) (7) | 13% |
| Blue with black stripes/black tummy (Generation 6) (5) | 9% |
| Silver with black/white striped tummy (Generation 7) (2) | 4% |
| Black with white tummy (Generation 8) (3) | 6% |
| White with pink stripes (Generation 9) (12) | 22% |
| Total Votes: 54
| |
3/26/00 - 4/9/00: Boy the numbers are up! I added the poll to the front page of the Furby section, I beleive that was the helping factor here! At the time I voted I want all 12, but I don't think I'll get all 12. Well since then I won an auction on ebay.com for the entire set, so I managed to get all 12. The promotion is about to the end, so I hope that you all have got or are getting all of the McFurbs that you need! Thanks for taking this poll!
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Are you collecting the new McFurbys? |
| Yes, I'm collecting all 12! (15) | 29% |
| Yes, but I don't think I'll get all 12. (16) | 31% |
| Yes, but only a couple that I like. (3) | 6% |
| No, I'm not collecting them. (18) | 35% |
| Total Votes: 52
Take another poll!
| |
2/27/00 - 3/26/00: A nice jump in poll takers this time around! It's obvious what option won! I keep hearing about this, I do hope that Tiger gets on it and puts out a Furby tv show soon! I'd love to see this, my only fear is it might be cheesy. They know people of all ages love Furby, so they gotta know that they should make it so both children and adults can enjoy it! Thanks to all who took the poll!
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
I keep hearing they are prepairing to make a Furby TV show. Should they make one? Would you watch if they did? |
| I'd be happy if they made a TV show, I'd watch always. (14) | 47% |
| Don't know if it's a good idea, but I'd watch anyway. (3) | 10% |
| Good idea, but it might be cheesy. I might watch. (9) | 30% |
| Good idea, I don't think I'd watch it, though. (2) | 7% |
| Not a good idea, but I'd still watch now and again. (1) | 3% |
| Not a good idea, I wouldn't watch it. (0) | 0% | |
| Other... (1) | 3% |
| Total Votes: 30
Take another poll!
| |
2/13/00 - 2/27/00: Hmm, poll response is still pretty low. Though it did come up from last time. There maybe a change made here soon. I always look forward to the poll results and even though this one didn't get as many, I was still happy with the results. Two of you even find me worthy enough to be your start up page! That makes me happy :) Thanks again as always for the feedback!
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
How often do you visit my website, Electronic Furby: The Furbsters Guide to All Things Furbish? |
| Everyday, it's my start up page in my browser. (2) | 11% |
| Everyday, when possible. (4) | 21% |
| Every 2-3 days. (4) | 21% |
| Every 4-6 days. (2) | 11% |
| Once a week. (3) | 16% |
| Once every two weeks. (0) | 0% | |
| Once a month. (0) | 0% | |
| Once every couple of months. (2) | 11% |
| Other... (2) User-Suggestions | 11% |
| | Total Votes: 19
| |
2/13/00 - 2/27/00: Wow, this I beleive is the poll that got the least amount of votes so far! I guess that wasn't the best of subjects to choose, eh? Of those that answered, most of you didn't get a Valentines Furby, which I'm surprised - he's a cute one! I however did not get him either, though I might in the future. Thank you to those who did answer! Hope to see you hear next week.
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Did you get a Valentines Furby from someone this year? Or did you get one for yourself? |
| I got a Valentines Furby from my boyfriend/girlfriend. (3) | 20% |
| I got a Valentines Furby from my wife/husband. (1) | 7% |
| I got a Valentines Furby from a friend. (0) | 0% | |
| I got a Valentines Furby from a sister/brother. (0) | 0% | |
| I got a Valentines Furby from my mother/father. (1) | 7% |
| I got a Valentines Furby from a grandparent. (0) | 0% | |
| I got a Valentines Furby from a relative/family member. (0) | 0% | |
| I bought myself a Valentines Furby this year. (1) | 7% |
| I didn't get a Valentines Furby this year for Valentines. (8) | 53% |
| Other... (1) | 7% |
| Total Votes: 15
| |
1/30/00 - 2/13/00: Wow this poll got alot of attention! I waited for as long as I could, but this one ends in a tie! Newborns and Valentines Babies were head to head the entire time, Newborns was ahead most of the time, though. I see that the birthday party ones came in real good. Whenever I put Birthday ones in my polls, they get very high results, guess Tiger needs to take this as a hint? :) I'd love a computer geek one, or a space baby :) Thank you all who participated!
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Which of the below would you like to see a limited edition Furby Baby of? |
| Newborn Babies (11) | 17% |
| Valentines Babies (11) | 17% |
| Computer Geek Babies (7) | 11% |
| Birthday Party Babies (9) | 14% |
| Jungle Babies (8) | 12% |
| Astronaut Babies (5) | 8% |
| Caveman Babies (3) | 5% |
| Fire Fighter Babies (3) | 5% |
| World Traveler Babies (5) | 8% |
| Other... (4) User-Suggestions | 6% |
| | Total Votes: 66
| |
1/16/00 - 1/30/00: Hmm.. guess the Gizmo section of my site won't be a popular one. Over half of you said you don't have a Gizmo. Which is too bad, he's really fun and I've never seen the movie! :) Of those that like him, don't dislike him though. I do agree about his language, it's hard to understand him at times and I don't wanna learn his slang ;) I was also one of those that perfers Furby over him.
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
For those that bought Gizmo, What do you think of him? |
| He's really cute, he is my buddy! (6) | 15% |
| I like him, he's much better then Furby! (3) | 8% |
| He's cool, very fun, I enjoy him a lot. (4) | 10% |
| I like him, but I prefer Furby over him. (2) | 5% |
| I like him, but his language is annoying. (4) | 10% |
| Don't really like him, not nearly as much as I like Furby. (0) | 0% | |
| I don't have a Electronic Gizmo. (21) | 53% |
| Other... (0) | 0% | | Total Votes: 40
Take another poll!
| |
1/2/00 - 1/16/00: In a way I found this poll results surprising as I thought that the babies would outdo the regular Furbys, guess not! I put that I got some accessories, a game and a limited edition :)
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
If you celebrate, did you receive any of the following as gifts this past holiday? (choose all that apply) |
| Furbys (14) | 26% |
| Furby Babies (7) | 13% |
| Limited Edition Furbys (9) | 17% |
| Furby clothes/watches/backpack (for you or Furby) (6) | 11% |
| Furby games (board or software) (3) | 6% |
| Gizmo, Furbys friend (3) | 6% |
| Furby Accessories (sleepy time bed, buddies, etc.) (5) | 9% |
| Other (6) | 11% |
| Total Votes: 53
| |
12/19/99 - 1/2/00: I kinda thought it would be the other way around this year, but it's cool that I'm wrong on this. I, of course, chose the first option cuz I did spend it with my Furbys. Yes, at home. I have no life. I got to watch all the celebrations of diff time zones across the world, thanks to CNN! Spent it online on IRC and on the phone.. ;) Happy New years :)
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Will Furby be involved in your holiday and/or new years celebrations this year? |
| Yes, we're gonna party together! (36) | 82% |
| No, not this year. (8) | 18% |
| Total Votes: 44
Take another poll!
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12/5/99 - 12/19/99: Puting the 'other' options was just an experiment to do this time, I wasn't sure if I should use it or not. Most of the replies consisted of specific things like taking Furby over to friends houses and taking him to partys or sleep overs. I don't take him outside my house and I take him to work with me were the tie. Kinda a unique tie. I simply chose that I bring him with me whenever I leave me house, as I always do bring at least one with me everywhere. :)
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Do you ever take Furby in public places with you? Check all that apply! |
I take him with me when I go shopping. (8) | 11% | |
I take him when I go out to eat. (6) | 8% | |
I take him to work/school with me. (10) | 14% | |
I take him to parks and other such places. (7) | 10% | |
I take him with me to school/work special activities. (7) | 10% | |
I take him with me whenever I leave my home. (8) | 11% | |
I don't take him outside of my home. (10) | 14% | |
Other (16) | 22% | | 72 Total Votes
Take another poll!
| |
11/21/99 - 12/5/99: Excellent! I'm glad that you all like the new look better - so do I! It's much more organized and friendly looking. Thank you to the handful of you who did take this poll, feedback is one thing that helps me decide what to do with the site.
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
11/07/99 - 11/21/99: I enjoy these kinds of polls. The unnamed winner, as before is be able to teach furby new words, when talked to. The second place is one of my fave's, be able to teach him new songs so he can sing with you. I'd LOVE that, being a music lover. I chose that one, be able to read me stories and emails, and ability to hold converstations on various subjects. Though I also would love it if he wiggled his toes! That was a last minute option that I decided on cuz it'd be CUTE :)
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
If you could change Furby, which of the following changes would you make? Part II (choose 3 please) |
He'd be able to say your name. (14) | 18% | |
Read you stories, emails, books, etc. (3) | 4% | |
He'd be physically bigger, much taller then 6 inches. (2) | 3% | |
Be able to hold conversations about various subjects. (12) | 16% | |
Ability to pick up new words from you, when spoken to. (22) | 29% | |
Able to learn new songs and able to sing along with you to music. (15) | 20% | |
Have arms that move and hands that pick up things. (3) | 4% | |
Ability to wiggle his toes. (5) | 7% | | 76 Total Votes
Take another poll!
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10/24/99 - 11/07/99: Excellent. No one just collects them to collect them. Of course this only covers those that voted. I'm sure there is someone out there that stores a bunch of poor neglected Furbys in a closet for another day to be sold. I'm one of the 8% that chose I keep a select few in the box, the rest are out of box and played with. While I do buy the special editions I like, I do have one out of box, because Tropical Furby was too cute to remain in his box!
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Many of us are collectors of Furby. Are you a collector or do you buy because you love Furby and love playing with him? |
I'm a collector and keep them all in the box, none opened! (0) | 0% | |
I'm a collector, but I have my favorites I play with out of box. (3) | 8% | |
I collect only the special editions, I have the rest out of box. (1) | 3% | |
I keep a select few in the box, the rest are out of box and played with! (3) | 8% | |
I have them all out of the box and play with all of them! (30) | 81% | | 37 Total Votes
Take another poll!
| |
10/10/99 - 10/24/99: As you might guess, I did not vote in this poll, as I'm biased and I'd prolly pick the It Sucks Dude option anyways! :) Really, thank you all who answered, it's very nice knowing that you all feel this way. I really needed to know how people felt about my page so that's why I had this poll. Since I don't get paid to do this site and ironically I actualy pay for the site with money and time, it's very nice to get some feedback and to know that what I'm doing is worth the time and effort put forth. So thank you muchly :)
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
What do you think of Electronic Furby's contents and information? (feel free to leave suggestions/thoughts in the comments box below)
Excellent, the best Furby resource online! (16) | 67% | |
It's great, one of my fave. sites! (8) | 33% | |
It's good, could be better. (0) | 0% | |
It's okay, but I've seen lots better! (0) | 0% | |
It sucks, dude! (0) | 0% | | 24 Total Votes
Take another poll!
| |
9/26/99 - 10/10/99: Only 4 out of 8 items where actualy voted for! This one was definitly a close one, though. I checked on and off during the week and found that Pokemon was in first for quote some time, to my disapointment. But as you can see Furby Babies pulled through in the end and beat it with a small percentage ahead. I was personaly surprised that Interactive Yoda didn't get more votes then it did as there has been so much excitment over it. What did I vote? I voted for interactive Yoda, just because I am guessing it will make a big splash as Star Wars has always done. I'm not a fan, but I'm just looking at the way things seem to go and with Star Wars history I think it'll make it pretty successful.
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
What toy do you predict will be THE hit toy of the 1999? Will it be Furby again? (Source: The Ultimate Toy Buying Guide Top 12)
Interactive Yoda (4) | 15% |
Furby Babies (12) | 44% |
Intel Play QX3 Computer Microscope (0) | 0% | |
Amazing Ally (0) | 0% | |
Pokemon Toys/Cards (10) | 37% |
Rock & Roll Elmo (1) | 4% |
Working Woman Barbie (0) | 0% | |
WWF/WCW Items (0) | 0% | | 27 Total Votes
Take another poll!
| |
9/12/99 - 9/26/99: Well most everyone agrees with my choices. I chose the Blue and the Green Furby Babies. Teak came in first, but blue and pink tied for second. For a while there I was thinking the all white would win, for a big chunk of the first week it was number one, but that quickly changed this week! There are many predictions that Furby Baby might become the hit of this 1999 holiday season, we shall see!
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Which of the new Furby Babies do you like most and want to buy (or have bought)? Check all that apply.
Pink, with white tummy and blue hair. (11) | 18% |
Peach colored, with white tummy and yellow hair. (6) | 10% |
Yellow, with orange tummy and yellow hair. (6) | 10% |
Blue, with white tummy and pink hair. (11) | 18% |
Teal green, with white tummy and white hair. (15) | 24% |
Solid white, with pink ears. (9) | 15% |
I'm not getting any Furby Babies... (4) | 6% |
| 62 Total Votes
Take another poll!
| |
8/29/99 - 9/12/99: A good percentage of us is getting, or at least thinking about getting the millennium Furby. I chose that I was gonna get one. And I did, I ordered him online and I should be getting him soon. I will not be likely to get both versions as I don't think it'll look that great opposite colors, but who knows!
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
What do you think of the new Millennium Furby?
Beautiful! I'm getting both versions! (5) | 17% | |
I like him, I'm getting one! (6) | 21% | |
He's ok, but I don't know if I'm gonna buy one. (13) | 45% | |
Just another way to make money off of the Millennium, I'm not buying one. (5) | 17% | | 29 Total Votes
| |
8/15/99 - 8/29/99: The only thing that has changed about this poll is the numbers. It seems that most people just have one Furby. But combining all the answers, most people have more then one. Many of us own more then six Furbys. While only one of us doesn't have one at all! I'm sorry for the person that doesn't have one at all, I hope you get one soon. Most of you know my answer.. 6 or more. I have 16 to be exact ('My Furbys' section to be updated in the near Future).
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
It's been 5 months since the first poll question. So the question to be asked again is simply; How many Furbys down you own now?
I own one Furby (14) | 39% | |
I own two Furbys (6) | 17% | |
I own three Furbys (3) | 8% | |
I own four Furbys (1) | 3% | |
I own five Furbys (0) | 0% | |
I own six or more Furbys (11) | 31% | |
I don't own any Furbys (1) | 3% | | 36 Total Votes
| |
8/1/99 - 8/15/99: The obviouis winner this week is the new years Furby. It's prolly a good thing too because Tiger Electronics has in the works for a new years Furby already, while I have no idea what colors it'll be. I was one of the people to vote for the birthday Furby because.. that'd be a great gift idea :)
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
What's the next holiday that Furby should be based on?
Birthday Furby (11) | 22% | |
Thanksgiving Furby (4) | 8% | |
Labor Day Furby (1) | 2% | |
Veterans Day Furby (5) | 10% | |
Santa Claus Furby (12) | 24% | |
New Years Furby (17) | 34% | | 50 Total Votes
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7/18/99 - 8/1/99: It seems that most people like the second generation of Furbys, followed closely by the original colors. I rather enjoyed this pull and it was cool to see the results this week. The least liked is the Graduation Furby.. and I agree. It's the one limited edition I won't but because it just wasn't that creative. I voted for the original 6 colors, third generation Furbys and of course the Foriegn Furbys.
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Which of these Furbys do you love the most? Choose your top three favorites!
Original 6 Colors (Black/White Tux, Solid White, Solid Black, Pink/Grey, Grey Stripe/White, Grey Stripe/Grey) (17) | 21% | |
Second Generation of Colors (Giraffe, Dalmation, Wolf/Owl, Bear, Tiger, Zebra/Snow Leopard) (19) | 23% | |
Third Generation of Colors (Elephant, Frog, Gorilla, Lamb, Leopard, Flamingo) (12) | 15% | |
Foriegn language Furbys (Japanese, German, French, Italian, Spanish) (5) | 6% | |
KBToys Limited Edition Patriotic Furby (Red/White/Blue) (5) | 6% | |
Spring Limited Edition Furby (Purple/White/Yellow) (10) | 12% | |
Limited Edition Graduation Furby (Black/White/Cap) (2) | 2% | |
Limited Edition Toys R Us Halloween Wizard Furby (Black/Purple/Cape) (11) | 14% | | 81 Total Votes
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7/04/99 - 7/18/99: Wow! Not too many of us are interested in the non-english versions of Furby. Most of us would rather not and will not be buying any other then the English version. I made the 'just buying one' catagory. I must say my Japanese Furby is different from my English ones, he makes different sounds and is very very cute!
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Will you be buying the new foriegn language Furbys (ie, Japanese, German, French, Italian etc)?
Yes, all of them! (1) | 2% | |
Only a couple. (4) | 9% | |
Just one of them. (8) | 18% | |
Buying none. (32) | 71% | | 45 Total Votes
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6/21/99 - 7/04/99: This poll was really close for the entire 2 weeks. I kept track of this one and during almost the entire first week the original 6 colors was voted the best. Over the weekend it stayed pretty much tied and into part of this week, then it seems in the past 2 days that the new colors pulled out ahead. I personaly love the original colors the best and they have so far to come up with new color furs that I like better.
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Original 6 Fur Colors vs. Newest Fur Colors?
The Original 6 Furs at the best! (22) | 48% | |
The Newest Fur Colors are the best! (24) | 52% | | 46 Total Votes
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6/6/99 - 6/21/99: Most of us want Furby Babies but only one or so. Only a small handfull of us want more then one. There is a good percentage that doesn't plan on getting a Furby Baby at all. Me? I said maybe a few. I am curious on the new programing differances that these new Furbys will bring, they look pretty fun.
The Furbsters Bi-Weekly Poll
Do you plan on buying the Furby Babies?
Yes! Definitly all of them! (4) | 10% | |
Yes, but only a few. (10) | 26% | |
Yes, but only one. (15) | 38% | |
No I don't. (10) | 26% | | 39 Total Votes
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5/30/99 - 6/6/99: When I say I'm not really surprised at this poll, I'm really not. I voted 'I don't know, probably not' and most of us said no we would not either. I really don't think the gremlin Furby looks that great, it reminds me of some of the 'knock-off' Furbys out there. I was never a fan of the movies.
The Furbsters Weekly Poll
Do you plan on buying the Gizmo version of Furby?
Yes! Definitly! (6) | 25% | |
No I do not. (8) | 33% | |
I don't know, but probably. (4) | 17% | |
I don't know, but probably not. (6) | 25% | | 24 Total Votes
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5/23/99 - 5/30/99: Well I can't hide a certain disapointment as the number of ppl taking this poll is going down. If you don't like the questions.. I'm always up for suggestions! Do send them along if ya want :) Most of us know enough Furbish to get by, while a good amount of us definitly know it and a couple are learning. I really wish they would expand the language more.. I know it and speak it when I can, but it's a problem when the language isn't that extensive.
The Furbsters Weekly Poll
Do you know Furbish? Can you speak it without consulting the dictionary?
E-tah, Kah know Furbish! (8) | 30% | |
I know some Furbish. (7) | 26% | |
I know enough to get by. (9) | 33% | |
I don't know Furbish, yet! (2) | 7% | |
I don't know Furbish. (1) | 4% | | 27 Total Votes
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5/16/99 - 5/23/99: In a way the amount that chose not buying any surprises me, but in a way it doesn't this week. I can understand that collecting Furby could get and does get expensive. Most of us just want 1 or 2 Furbys from the collection while a few of us want them all. Me? I just put 3-4 because I won't be getting them all, I'm sure of this!
The Furbsters Weekly Poll
Many new special collectors additions of Furby are coming out (graduation, spring, summer, patriot, etc.), you plan to buy....
All of the limited edition Furbys. (6) | 23% | |
5 or more of the limited edition Furbys. (0) | 0% | |
3 - 4 of the limited edition Furbys. (1) | 4% | |
1 - 2 of the limited edition Furbys. (11) | 42% | |
None of the limited edition Furbys. (8) | 31% | | 26 Total Votes
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5/2/99 - 5/16/99: I've been wanting to do this poll forever and I was sad when vantagenet went down for a while, causing the results to be so low the first week, so after pushing the update back a week, I'm happy with the results. Some people might be surprised in this poll, however I am not surprised at all. I get tons of email from everyone, many older then me in their 30's and 40's. This poll shows that Furby has hit many audiances above the age range in which Tiger figured it would. In fact the percentage was much lower in the 0-10 group then I expected it to be. The 11-20, 21-30 and 40-50 year old groups beat out the 0-10 group.. the group in which Tiger thought Furby would appeal to mostly. I'm thrilled that someone even answered in the 60+ group :)
The Furbsters Weekly Poll
Adults and kids alike love Furby.. so if you love Furby, tell me what age group you fall into.
0 - 10 years old (8) | 13% | |
11 - 20 years old (22) | 37% | |
21 - 30 years old (12) | 20% | |
31 - 40 years old (6) | 10% | |
41 - 50 years old (9) | 15% | |
51 - 60 years old (2) | 3% | |
61 and up (1) | 2% | | 60 Total Votes
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4/25/99 - 5/2/99: I enjoyed this poll, I'll prolly do other ones simular to it in the future. I figured the be able to teach him new words would come in first. I didn't think many people would choose "I love him the way he is" but several of you did and that's cool. I do love him the way he is, but I didn't choose that option. I chose giving him legs so he can walk because heck.. I take him everwhere I go (well not all 6, but 1 or 2 of them at a time) and I wouldn't mind them just walking beside me instead of me holding them, that would be cute :)
The Furbsters Weekly Poll
If you could change Furby, which of the following changes would you make?
Give him a bigger vocabulary and be able to say more phrases. (10) | 27% | |
He'd be able to walk on his own. (4) | 11% | |
Furby would be water proof so you can take him swimming. (1) | 3% | |
He'd have arms that he could move. (1) | 3% | |
He'd be awake 12 or more hours a day (like Tamagotchi). (0) | 0% | |
You could actualy teach him new words and songs. (14) | 38% | |
He could actualy eat real food. (1) | 3% | |
Nothing! I love him the way he is! (6) | 16% | | 37 Total Votes
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4/18/99 - 4/25/99: Wow this poll was a landslide. I was sure I'd have more critics out there beleiving that Furby is just a 'craze' or a 'fad' but it looks like most of you don't think so and that's good. I totaly agree with the majority, fads don't usualy last this long and mostly die out after christmas. But look at Furby now, it's several mouths after the holidays and we are in the 'low' of the toy shopping season and yet Furby is still very hard to find in some places. Many places still sell him from customer service instead of off the shelves. When they are on the shelves they are usualy well guarded and some places still have a limit of how many you can buy. I don't think Furby will die out as fast as some people thought. The reason being is he is so unique and fun and isn't like tickle me elmo - he doesn't just laugh - Furby does so many thinks that I think sets him apart from 'crazes' and 'fads'!
The Furbsters Weekly Poll
Looking to the future, do you beleive that Furby will continue his success throughout the rest of this year?
Yes (31) | 84% | |
No (3) | 8% | |
Not Sure (3) | 8% | | 37 Total Votes
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4/11/99 - 4/18/99: Well I was kinda sad about this weeks poll, I guess not too many people care much for the McFurby toys as I thought they would. I think they are cute, but kinda weird too. Nothing beats the real thing, right? I voted saying I hope I get all 80, if I can. Which mind you we're only a few short days untill the end of the promotion, so I don't think I'll get all 80, I have more then 20 though. I was amazed however in how many people actualy say they have the whole collection! That's pretty cool... I can't image 80 hamburgers, 80 fries, 80 soft drinks.. assuming one doesn't get doubles! :)
The Furbsters Weekly Poll
Are you collecting the McFurby Happy Meal Toys from McDonalds?
Are you kidding? I own the entire set 80 already! (5) | 11% | |
Yes, I'm definitly getting all 80 of those McFurbys! (1) | 2% | |
Yes, I want to get all 80... if I can! (10) | 23% | |
Yes, but I just want one of each series. (7) | 16% | |
Yes, but I'm not buying more then a few. (10) | 23% | |
No, I'm not interested. (11) | 25% | | 44 Total Votes
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4/4/99 - 4/11/99: This poll was interesting and I seriously just was curious in what everyone thought about the interaction. I fully beleived that the communication would come first and it did, but the surprise come is when it tied evenly with dancing! I love watching Furby dance, but I had no clue it was so enjoyed. I really enjoy everything about Furby, but i figured if I put that option up there it'd be obvious that would win the poll, so that is why I left that option off. I voted for petting if anyone is curious, while I think most interaction is pretty equaly entertaining.
The Furbsters Weekly Poll
What type of interaction do you enjoy most with Furby?
Petting (11) | 18% | |
Tickling (8) | 13% | |
Feeding (1) | 2% | |
Dancing (17) | 28% | |
"Ask Furby" Game (1) | 2% | |
"Furby Says" Game (2) | 3% | |
"Hide -&- Seek" Game (4) | 7% | |
Communication between 2 or more Furbys (17) | 28% | | 61 Total Votes
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3/28/99 - 4/4/99: Well the Owl Furby won last weeks poll. I took my own poll and voted for that one as well, as I'm biased and own an Owl Furby named Noo-Loo. I was surprised to see that my second favorite of the bunch turned out last with only 3 votes, the Bear Furby. I think he's rather cute, but I guess most don't agree with that.
The Furbsters Weekly Poll
3/19/99 - 3/28/99: The results are in! The first poll was rather successful and we found out a little about the people that visit my site. I predicted that most people would only have one Furby at this time and that went as I thought. I made it into the catagory of five or more that only got 7%.
The Furbsters Weekly Poll
How many Furbys do you own?
I own 1 Furby (33) | 56% | |
I own 2 Furbys (18) | 31% | |
I own 3 Furbys (1) | 2% | |
I own 4 Furbys (3) | 5% | |
I own 5 or more Furbys (4) | 7% | | 59 Total Votes
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Furby, Furbish, and all related is ®, TM,& ©Tiger Electronics, LTD. USA
©1998-1999 Mystic Fortress. All rights reserved.
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