Tamagotchi Log 6/18/98 |
6/18/98: Welp today has been a bad Tama day. While I was on the way out of the office at lunch, it slipped my mind that I had to hold my Milky White Japanese Tama carefully and in a separate hand so it won't reset. I am simply walking holding all 5 of my Tama's in one hand and right as I get to the car I hear that familiar beep. I look down and frantically look at each of my Tama's screens to find that Zukitchi had reset! It took several times to get an adult on that Tama and now he reset.. sigh. Poor Zukitchi, I worked so hard to get him and he's gone again, at age 11. Well considering I am leaving for California in 3 days I just put the tab back in that Tama, I'll try again next month, maybe I'll have better luck then. I've added to the images on my Glimpse of Tama page, updated the Tama scores page for the addiction test, and the Mesutchi/Osutchi page is updated with more animated gifs. Gonna try to get some more stuff done before I go, but I seem to have less and less time and I'm still not sure if I should bring Mesu/Osu to California of leave them here at home on pause... I dunno. I guess I better decide soon though, right? I may just take them, but not care for the whole time, maybe leave them on pause some of the time? Ugh.. I'd never do it though.. I hate pausing Tama's. I'm really bad at making decisions.. I hope I can make up my mind soon! :P I have Tongaritchi on my Mimitchi Tama right now, he is 75% disciplined and I intend on him changing soon, I hope, into Mimitchi. I hope. I'm worried even though I always had him with me, this week has been hard at work. The review got over early, so thankfully I have the day off tomorrow. I'm gonna start getting ready for my trip and get some stuff done. If you don't wanna hear me babble skip the next few paragraphs :) But I just got to thinking tonight... I'm a procrastinator, I'm surprised I have done as much with my web page as I have, because it's taken me over 2 years to make it this far with this web page. While it started out as a very small links page, very amateur and sucky, getting maybe 5 hits a month. Very slowly I expanded that page into a Star Trek page and got about 10 or 20 hits a month.. once I was up to an average of 30 people a month, which I thought was good for having a cruddy web page. Then stopped touching the page for over 6 months and then found Tamagotchi. The site went through several metamorphosis stages. I even moved it from an old server I used to be on and at that point I lost _ALL_ traffic to my site. The company really took advantage of me and after so long with them I moved over to Rosemart. I love Rosemart, I've never dealt with a nicer Internet company. I had no hits for so long I almost gave up because after I worked so hard just to get 30 hits a month, I was getting nothing because my site had disappeared to the world. Then slowly I started over, made some more pages, and learned some more HTML and other sorts of programming. It's been maybe 9 months since the move to Rosemart. I used to only have like 3 Tama pages and very slowly added and within 6 months I've got it to what it is today. Now.. I'm up to between 40 and 60 hits a _day_. While for many web pages that isn't much, but for me that's a whole lot. For the first time in 3 years people are actually going to my page and I'm actually getting email about this page. I'm quite happy with the response. Never thought it'd go this far, but I love Tamagotchi so much.. I just had to share my love with other fans, even if it's not in person. If you want to see what icky kinda page I had about a year and a half ago, go to my Star Trek FOT page. It's horrible. A huge links page. The counter at the bottom is accurate though in my total visitors over a couple of years between that page and my Accessing Data web page. I was able to turn my Accessing Data page into something interesting, I still get email about that page. While I think FOT is just a trail, showing what my web site used to be like. I keep it up for reasons I don't even know. I guess it contains allot of links I still go to and love, while I think many are probably dead, I know that many work. Why do I write that, I dunno, kinda just got to thinking. I must say I'm happy I have visitors now, and I've met so many nice people from the Internet in all these years, before I even constructed a web page. It's kinda weird, when I first put up my first Tamagotchi page, the page dedicated to Mimitchi Tamagotchi, I expected to get email, but I expected negative email. Since I was telling the world I love my Tamagotchi and even though I know they are programs in a computer chip, I still treat them differently. I really expected to get lots of bad email to that. But since I love Mimitchi and really was just having a hard time morning over him alone I decided I had to share it with someone, so why not other fans? In all this time I've only gotten _one_ single piece of negative email and it was nothing big, didn't even bother me, only 2 lines in an email, someone trying to get attention who didn't receive a reply either. Out of all the email I have gotten from total strangers and friends alike, not one has been unpleasant. So I guess I wanna say that things have come along a long way and to those that have stuck with me in all my changes and have showed their support in email and their comments in my guestbook and on IRC, I really appreciate it. I love making web pages and to know that people like what I create means a whole lot to me. I've met so many friends from all over the world, aging from age 10 to age 58, from all sorts of backgrounds and have many different jobs. I don't even know how to put into words what I mean. Getting on the Internet has changed a lot in my life and I've met people I would probably have never met if it weren't for the Internet. So thank you friends and supporters. I hope that I can keep doing as good a job as I have been told I am doing now. I always appreciate the many letters of support and thoughts I get from the many different people that come upon my page. Your input is the encouragement that keeps me wanting to create more pages and make those animated Tamagotchi gif's with that horrible Tama animation program. :) I am going on a week vacation to California as you may know. I won't be able to touch my web page from there.. I am sorry that no updates will occur as I love sharing my experiences. Sometimes a vacation is just needed and truthfully the vacation is really needed to get away from my job at the office. I really just need to get away from that place, even if it's just a week.... Well, thanks for reading. I had to say something and why not in these logs. Off I go for the night, have to finish up the Mesu/Osu log and a few other small things before I sleep for the night so I can get up with them in the morning. Hopefully Mimitchi will be back soon, I miss him an awfully lot... Tamagotchi Logs | Tamagotchi Planet | Mystic Fortress Tamagotchi and all related characters are registered trademarks of Bandai. |