Tamagotchi Log 5/2/98

5/2/98: Well... today.. SUCKS hehe. My Morino is just fine, he's only 1 year today. Doing quite well I believe. Dunno what I'll get with him...

Mimitchi-to-be got legs tonight at 753! I was soo happy! He's only got a few more days and he will become Mimitchi... oh how I miss him! He's definitely the one that keeps me happy when nothing else does.

So what am I saying today sucks about? At 8:04pm tonight... Kuriten.. yes you guessed it.. became none other then the dreaded Futagotenshi twins! :( 4th time! I've only hatched 4 angels and all have become this dreaded un-warding character! I'm disappointed......

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