Tamagotchi Log 4/1/98

4/1/98: This week I have a house guest so I am unable to do a lot on my page, kind of a personal vacation away from most things. But I have time to say that my Angelgotchi finally died at age 47, probably more like 45 or 44 if I had not paused it. I can say that this is the only time I've ever been happy to see a Tamagotchi go... It'll be a long time before I hatch another angel.

On the other hand I don't know if I wrote it in the last log but I got Tamagotchi Garden... errr Morino Tamagotchi, Forestgotchi a Japanese one. It looks really cool.. I'll be starting it up in a week or two...

Tonight my cd-rom Tamagotchi left at age 18.. He left me this very nice postcard:

Great job raising me, Mimitchi. If you take the time I spent with you, add the time I spent thinking about you, and divide by how much I'll miss you, you get 324.88879. Which means I like you a lot.

I still have my 60 year old DigiMon though, and Masukutchi whom didn’t change into the secret character and Mimitchi at age 18 whom I expect to die soon.

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