Tamagotchi Log 1/22/98

1/22/98: Today about 13:00 my alien, Zatchi reset! :(( I was soo sad, and I still am.. I just can't believe it, I feel so horrible :(( I can definitely see myself getting rather attached to this little guy. He's sooo cute and soo lovable! The only good thing is that my Blue/Silver Tama, whom I wanted a Hashizotchi on, turned into Zukitchi, a second chance I get. I hope I can repeat the same care and get the Alien once again... I also restarted the Tama my alien died on and I hope to get Hashizotchi, say I reversed Tama's hehe :)

On the other hand, I got home and found that even though I have not been here much for my cd-rom it changed into Tamatchi.. he's so cute. I think Tongaritchi is cuter on cd-rom though. Wonder whom I'll get this time..?

I checked mail, nothing for me... sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh....At least Mimitchi hasn't left.. But he will soon.. prolly tonight. Guess not! :)

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