Tamagotchi Log 01/17/2025

Happy New Year 2025! :) I hope you are having a nice start to 2025. And perhaps you received some nice Tamagotchi at Christmas time and gifted some as well to the people you know! Spreading TamaLove is good for the world overall. Happiness and joy is so lacking in some places right now. I try to spread smiles and laughter the best I can. One of the best sounds in the world to me is laughter!

I meant to write a couple more logs before the end of the year but life got so busy and my internet was so unreliable especially the days around the 1st. So instead I worked on getting other things in order on the website. I also have decided to start updating the update page again that I used to use. I am still on Facebook and Instagram and I post some content in those places that I may not post here - however I really don't post that often. Not for any particular reason, I just don't spend a lot of time on social media the way I used to years ago. So if you don't follow me in those places, you aren't missing a whole lot. :)

This week has been hard. I had a bit of a lupus flare that left me feeling tired and fatigued for a few days. During that time someone stole my credit card information and starting buying things from a fake storefront probably owned by that same person to turn credit into cash. I hate thieves. I really really hate thieves. I believe my info was stolen via one of these many security breaches from so many companies that are experiencing them these days. They really need to hire smart talented people and pay them well. Also.. they shouldn't put computers online if they don't need to be.

Anywho.. It's been quite a year so far.

Here's a list of all of the Tamagotchi I have added to my collection since I last wrote:

  • Tamagotchi Angel - Dreamy Angel Blue with pink border and buttons Gen3
  • Tamagotchi Connection Re-Make Sweet Charms
  • Tamagotchi Connection Re-Make Neon Stars
  • Tamagotchi Mix Spacey Blue
  • 14" Stuffed Mimitchi (a Christmas gift from Cay)

I have been a tiny bit irresponsible with my spending in the last few months lol... so my list of new Tamagotchi won't be as big here on out. But I do so want more Tama's though.

Tamagotchi I'm Running Right Now

I currently have 8 Tamagotchi running. I had that amount over the holidays for a while and got down to 6 at one point but I am back to 8. This amount is okay because 3 of them are super easy to care for.. the 3 color screened Tamagotchi. Hold on, be right back, I need more coffee. It's the stuff of life.

Okay, I'm back. I brought mandarin oranges and hot coffee.

So I will go down the list. My two Mix Tamas. I have a, new to me (used), Tamagotchi Mix. It's the blue Spacey edition. I really enjoy my 20th Anniversary Gift Mix so I decided I needed one more so they could interact. On my new Mix I raised my first generation and got Mametchi. I was hoping for someone different, but that's ok, I haven't had him on a color screen Tama before. Mametchi got married to Ginjirotchi (who looks like an acorn to me). They left me an egg. I kept the name they gave her and to the best of my ability I have translated it to MameguRiritchi. I do not speak Japanese of course. She was a female so my two Mix's weren't be able to make babies. That's okay, because I want to get that Tama to the 3rd generation to open up more of the locations. MameguRiritchi could only go to TamaTown, Patchi Forest, and Flower Hills. She was very goofy looking when she was young, and grew up to look like an odd orange colored Mametchi. I ended up changing her color to green and she married a cute bushy lil guy from Patchi Forest named Morijikatchi.

MameguRiritchi and Morijikatchi made the cutest baby too. The baby is Blue! Both parents are green, so I don't know if he will keep his Blueness or not when he becomes an adult. I intend to always keep the name the device gives me and translate it. So, this lil blue guy is named MoriMametchi. He's just a baby right now so he has a few days ahead of him yet before he grows up.

And of course this means that my two Mix's might make babies together soon. I am a little picky. My Blue Mimitchi is 88 years old now and I very much love him. So when I marry him off it has to be to someone amazing just like him. :)

Next I have Mimitchi on my Walmart Exclusive Gummy Bear Tama. He is 20 today and doing good. That number is mostly correct as when I pause I just often leave the time as is when I unpause. It allows me extra time in the evenings too! He is becoming rather needy, so I have paused him more than I would like. I need to raise another. Have I mentioned I think he is very cute??

My Tama Uni is still Mimitchi. I am just keeping him for now and I'm not sure when I will marry him off and go for other characters. For now, I am just happy to have Mimitchi. I take (nearly) daily Tama Walks with him. I greatly enjoy that time. I think I have most of the recipes I can get, but I enjoy the time out anyways. Most of the time I bring Gem, my Bearded Dragon, with me and Mimitchi. The sun is good for her, the walk is good for me, and Mimitchi coming along is a big bonus too!

On January 3rd, Dennis and I hatched our Tamagotchi Angel's (Gen3) together! His friend Shawn also hatched with him, though he was not in the same chat as I was with Dennis. So 3 Angel's all at once born into the world! I had to hatch my Dreamy Blue Angel.. I so LOVE the colors of this Angel. It is so beautiful. Bandai made this Tama into an art piece. Dennis and I both got Kuriten and eventually the secret character twins, Futagotenshi.

Yesterday Dennis's Angel passed away during the night/morning before waking. And I was shocked thinking it had to have been a bug or something. But today.. my twins too passed away in their sleep at 630am! I've never had a Tama pass away like this during the night. How unusual! I don't recall this happening on the Angelgotchi, but I am just barely awake right now, just got coffee in me!

I have a whole lot to say about the Angel Re-make. The one thing I have to mention is the extreme change in the game from very difficult to very easy from the original Angelgotchi to this Gen3. My first impression was "Wow". My second impression was disappointment. They could have made the game still difficult without making it super super easy. I wish they had found that middle ground. I know people back in the 1990s complained about the game in Angelgotchi. I know I sure did too. But at least it was challenging. I could write so much. But not right now, not in this log, not yet. Soon! Soon. :)

My attempt to get Ginjirotchi so far on the Gen1 re-make has failed. I can do it with my eyes closed on the original 1990's versions, but so far I haven't developed a method to get him... yet! So if you refer to my Tama List on the bottom of my Tama Logs index you will see I have had several Masukutchi's! Yes I definitely know how to get Masu on the Gen1 re-make haha. And I am continuing this endeavor until I get him or until I pass away trying!! :)

So I'm sad to report that my Sunset re-make Gen1 Masukutchi passed away at age 12.

On January 12th I decided to hatch two Gen1's in my efforts to get Ginji. I chose to hatch my Sakura Cherry Blossoms and Ginjirotchi Comic Book Tama's. Right now they are both Tamatchi's.

The funny thing about my two Gen1's is when I play the game together with them they take forever to even just get a win or two. But when I play with both of them and Mimitchi they tend to win the games fast. I can only conclude they like playing together with Mimitchi too :)

Website Comments and Stuff

I fixed the code on most of the Tama Log pages. I left some things the same because I didn't want to change much of the original content. I kinda like the idea of leaving it as it was years ago when people originally found my site. The newer logs will look more like I want them to these days though. Some pages were missing Meta tags and had unclosed html tags.. I fixed stuff like that. And of course fixed all of the background images. The one thing I didn't do is fix the audio player for the random music that used to load on those pages. I am looking to fix that so it will play as it did before. That code is outdated for today's standards (I wonder if it works on windows 95 machines still? haha).

I am going to work on fixing the other areas of the Tamagotchi site too. Just one section at a time with some small changes along the way.

I have also been working on some side projects for the Tamagotchi site. I ain't telling yet. It is in the beginning stages, so it will be a while. I need a day I can focus well on it. And probably a day where I don't have 8 Tamagotchi running at the same time! :)

PS: If anything seems a little out of order, I worked on this log over a period of 2 weeks due to so much going on.

Check out the video below! My friend Dennis linked this to me. It is so cool to see so many people who love Tamagotchi the way I do!

Tamagotchi Logs | Tamagotchi Planet | Mystic Fortress
"Do everything as if you had all the time in the world, and live every day as if it were your last."

Tamagotchi and all related characters are registered trademarks of Bandai.
Copyright© 1997 and on, Katherine Drake. All Rights Reserved.