Tamagotchi Log 11/09/2024

Note: I am publishing this log on December 12, but it was ready in November, except for the images. I held onto this log for so long because I had to take care of Charlie, our wire-haired Jack Russell, around the clock. She required a lot of hands on care over the last year and especially so over the last month of her life. At age 19.5 she passed away on December 6th. I am already writing another log so I have decided to just put this one up as it is and continue on.

It's been a while since my last log, and I regret that. I have been enjoying my time with my Tamagotchi so very much, that I have neglected to write here.

I have been working on collecting new Tama's and buying back the ones I used to have. Ebay sure is expensive, but I am buying instead from Yahoo Japanese auctions. Any day now I will be getting several 1990's Tama's I used to have and some I didn't have but wanted to have. I'm excited for them to get here.
Update: On November 18th my package from Japan arrived! I'll add them to the list below!

Meanwhile Bandai is releasing new Tama's all the time, so I am going broke buying the ones I want haha. :)

I have pre-ordered two Angelgotchi - which they are branding as Gen3 interestingly. That implies to me that there may be further generations which I hope ends up being 1990's Tama's re-released! I especially want the Devilgotchi to be re-released - that will kick down the prices on the originals I hope. But really... any of those from the 1990's that were exclusive to Japan would be so nice! I'm excited for a possible Ocean re-make and Morino / Garden re-make. I just want them all really!

Back in the day, after Ocean, they planned to release Morino as Garden but due to waning interest outside of Japan, Bandai canceled that idea. I remember that Garden was created but was not going to come out in the US for sure. So Ocean was the last for the 1990's Tama's in the US until Connection came along some years later. They have re-released Connections but I have yet to get them.

Here's a list of all of the Tamagotchi I have added to my collection since I last wrote:

  • Japanese P2 Dark Blue with Mimitchi in a Ship at the top with Black border and Yellow buttons
  • Japanese P1 Red with Blue and Black Clock with Blue border and buttons
  • Tamagotchi Pix - Pink and White Flowers
  • Tamagotchi Pix - Purple Party with Balloons
  • Toys R Us Macy's Special Edition re-release Gen1 Sparkly Orange with White border and Pink buttons
  • Shikisouka (four seasons flowers) inspired by Kaga-Yuzen Re-make Gen2 with White border and Blue buttons
  • Mimitchi Comic Book Shell with Black border and buttons Re-make Gen2
  • Blue with Fireworks with White Border and Red buttons Gen2
  • Keitei Kaitsuu Tamagotchi Plus (K-Tama) Japanese Orange and White Spring Edition with White border and buttons
  • White with Blue Border and buttons P2 (1997)
  • Japanese P1 White with Dark Blue characters and buttons (1996)
  • Japanese P2 Red with White Text around the screen ("1997 Tamagotchi...") and Red border with White buttons.
  • Japanese P2 Clear Green with Blue buttons (1996)
  • Japanese P2 Clear Yellow with Cloudy White buttons (1996)

Normally I would go back and talk about what's been going on with each individual Tamagotchi since I last wrote here. But I feel like so much time has passed that it would make more sense to talk about what is currently happening instead. If you are curious what characters I have gotten since last month, the bottom of the logs page lists out all of the Tama's I have hatched to date and all of the adults I got on them each. Sorry to do that, while I documented their journey's in photos, I just think it would be too much too long to go back from that time to all the way to where I am now, you know? This will help keep the log at a reasonable length because I have so much to talk about today. :)

I currently have 6 Tamagotchi running.

First of all... I still have my Blue Mimitchi on my Mix. I just love him! I am having a hard time letting him go. That is why I decided to get Mimitchi on my Uni, then I think I will be able to let my Blue Mimitchi go soon so I can continue with more generations. While Uni does have a lot of its own unique fun things.. I'm loving the idea of genetic mixing. Uni having WiFi makes it its own very unique Tama with endless possibilities. Mix having the genetic mixing makes it full of endless possibilities too. I love them both in their own individual ways.

The second I have is Mimitchi on my TamagotchiUni - I just got him last night!! I'm so excited to have both Mimitchi's right now! I will keep him for a while now, as mentioned above. I am glad the option exists to ask them to stay instead of leaving. Both Mix and Uni have this ability and it is something I always wanted my original 1990's Tama's to have. Most especially for Mimitchi Tama.

The next Tamagotchi I have running is my Toys 'R' Us Macy's special edition - I hatched him together with Dennis online! Dennis hatched a TRU Tama as well. I love doing this, it is so much fun! This Tama just changed into Tarakotchi this morning! I am happy to see him after all of these years. This is a beautiful Tamagotchi! I had to have this Tama. I was and always will be a Toy 'R' Us kid. It saddened me greatly when TRU went out of business. It felt like the end of an important era for me. I have so many very good memories from TRU. I bought so many Tamagotchi at TRU, so so many! And so many Furbys too! I was always a frequent visitor to TRU for years before that point. It was my most favorite place in the whole world. I hope I live long enough to see another Toys 'R' Us store open. And hopefully it is within a distance I can visit. Maybe if I'm really lucky, they will have Tamagotchi for sale there too. :)

On my fourth Tama, my Shikisouka Tama from Japan, I have Hashizotchi. He is such a cutie pie! The Shikisouka Tamagotchi is a Japanese special edition - yet it is entirely in english. I find that really interesting. I wonder what the decision logic was on that one for Bandai? It's a really really beautiful Tamagotchi. When I first saw it I fell in love - I just HAD to get it. I missed the sale from other more sane websites so I was stuck buying it on eBay, but to me the extra was worth it so I could have it.

And since I got down to 4 Tama's, I decided to hatch 2 more Tama's November 18th. The first one being the Japanese Tama that Dennis gave me - the yellow with orange border and buttons. This Tama had stopped working for a while after I tried to change the battery before. Well, I kept messing with it, and I figured out the problem had to do with the battery contacts. So this morning I very carefully laid the battery on top of the contacts and the Tama beeped. Then I gently pushed the battery in just far enough for it to be secure and so I could screw the back cover on. While I don't drop my Tamagotchi normally, I will be extra careful with this Tama as I feel a bad drop could cause a reset. I think the Tama will be okay, but I will keep this in mind.

The second Tama I hatched is my Mimitchi Comic Tama. My sister Heidi got this Tama for me for my birthday! I had been looking at it for a while, but money is tight. So when she asked what I wanted, I had an answer ready hehe. I got Pochitchi the first time around. This time I hope to get Mimitchi because.. well.. it would simply make sense. :)

Theory of Snacks and Busy November

One thing I have been doing is trying to figure out what role the Snacks play in these re-make Tamagotchi. It is crazy the amount of problems they have caused people. I am thinking we are learning as caretakers to mostly play the game, and serve treats as little as possible if at all. I have gone from feeding them never, to feeding them only in the final adult form, to feeding 1 per day.

My working theories are that Snacks may possibly count as a care mistake - maybe. And Snacks may cause the characters to live shorter lives. Maybe. I am unsure. I'm just guessing on these things here, don't quote me on it.

I am unsure about that snacks theory because I have been especially busy lately. My bearded dragon, Gem, woke up from her brumation. She's always super hyper after about a week of fully waking up. Super hyper Gem means super busy me haha. It also means great amounts of bonding time! I loves her so much. Charlie our elderly doggy has needed constant care. Lovebug my grasshopper is getting older and she likes to be held all day long and that can be difficult with needing to do other things hahaha. I love them all though, so much.

In addition to that, November is a busy month for me every year. Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, turkey's go on sale for .49 a pound, which is amazing. Getting a 30 pound turkey for 14ish dollars is so incredible, it never goes on sale like that except this time of year. So right now there are 12 turkeys in my house and a couple of them have been broken down into smaller pieces so we can can them. That way they last a couple of years. So we make many different soups, or just flavored turkey, or just plain turkey. That way we have meals already made and meal starters. This keeps a great supply of meat in our house in case of hurricanes and power outages or just for nights that we are too tired to cook, etc.

We are preppers, we like to be prepared in case of whatever that could happen. In this world there is a lot of insanity going on, it's good to be prepared for anything and everything. If it were not for Hurricane Milton and the tornado, we would still have more herbs, fruits, and vegetables in the garden. We do still have banana trees, and some citrus trees, but other things are just gone. It is so depressing to have beautiful garden one day and in 3 hours have most of it wiped out.

In addition to canning lots of Turkey we also make our yearly Cranberry sauce! It is super delicious and beautiful too! Pictures don't do it justice to how rich and beautiful the purple is!

So there's lots of work to be done this month. However, I have completely skipped over October, so....

October Was Not a Good Month

October 9th, 2024. 3pm
Hurricane Milton had made landfall this day. While we believed the house would be okay, something very unexpected happened.

That week leading up to the 9th we had been carefully watching as the storm turned into Hurricane Milton. Cay is a retired fisherman, a veteran, and a navigator, so she knows how to read the weather very well. She predicted exactly what happened.. the hurricane became a 5, then it spun down to a 3 due to wind shear and turn straight into Florida and go right through the whole state. We believed our house could handle a 3. Our house is very damaged from hurricanes now.

While we watched the news constantly, we felt safe even as they predicted it was going to make landfall in the larger cities just up north from us. We are in southwest Florida, but not on the coast and not within storm surge.

The news put us under Tornado watch, as is normal for Hurricanes because there are usually a couple of tornados that break out and occasionally land.

I am always so nervous. I am from Washington state, I am used to large amounts of snow, ice, rain, ice storms, and I am used to that weather. So when I came here, my first hurricane was Ian.. which reached up to about a 5 as it landed and went right over our house. So while I am always nervous, I always think nothing can beat that - especially not a 3.

We watched in fear as tornados began popping up all over this part of the map! It was crazy and not usual for this area to have so many tornadoes. I suddenly got a notification of a Tornado Warning meaning there was a tornado on the ground nearby. We looked on in horror at the news as they showed the map... a tornado was just a few streets south of us! I was like.. omg we are going to get hit!

As it got closer on the map, I began to hear it outside. I kept saying it's coming, it's right outside. Though I had not heard a tornado before, there are just some sounds that are self explanatory. I was terrified! I grabbed everyone, including my Tama's, and went to the backroom where we felt we would be most likely to live if it hit our house.

At this point, the noise outside got louder. I quickly decided to write "I love you" messages to family and friends over text. I was really certain that my time was up. I just thought.. wow I survived a heart attack to get killed by a tornado.. what a crazy year it's been.

As I sat there just waiting to see what would happen next, I noticed the sound had changed.. and then got quieter. Going out to the TV we saw that the tornado had dissipated just before it got to our house.

Upon making some rounds on the property, we found that the wall in the kitchen that was damaged before has been further damaged and the roof had more damage as well. We have a little forest of banana trees. They are very strong trees that always survive the hurricanes. We get the most awesome fresh banana's year after year. Store bought bananas are so tasteless compared to fresh from the garden bananas. I highly recommend it.

Anyways, in going to the banana forest area of our property.. we found an entire section of trees are gone. Like pulled up out of the ground, roots and all, completely gone! Just like that.. there's lots of trees, then suddenly.. an entire section missing with no evidence left behind. It just vanished. There are other trees damaged, but wow that is the most dramatic thing to me in the yard.

I fear our house is going to be damaged beyond repair eventually. We don't know what we are going to do about that.

We are tossing around the idea of moving closer to my sister. We would have to sell the house first so we could afford to leave. It would mean taking a big chance in a place neither of us are familiar with. We don't know yet. We are trying to get help from FEMA but it's not looking good. Life is hard, but it is for everyone these days.

Welp, that is my tornado story. October had a bunch of other things that happened that really sucked, but I will say that moment where I thought we were going to die.. yeah that one stands far out above the other things as notable events haha.

Tamagotchi Logs | Tamagotchi Planet | Mystic Fortress
"Do everything as if you had all the time in the world, and live every day as if it were your last."

Tamagotchi and all related characters are registered trademarks of Bandai.
Copyright© 1997 and on, Katherine Drake. All Rights Reserved.