Tamagotchi Log 12/23/97

12/23/97: Welp today was... interesting. This morning at around 11, my Tongaritchi changed into, exactly as I had hoped, a Mimitchi :) That's on my yellow/blue Tama, the one with a drawing of Mimitchi at the top. :) So now I have two Mimitchi's only 2 years apart. LeAnne is mad at me because I can get Mimitchi at will ;) Gotta luv it!

On another note....ARGRGGHHHHH Hanson on the radio, must turn it... BRB!.. phew.. I survived that! Anyways. On a sadder note, as I figured yesterday, my oldest Ginjirotchi, at age 22, passed away today while I was on the way to the bank to cash my paycheck. It was at 11:47, only shortly after I got Mimitchi. One thing about Ginji is that he is just the sweetest Gen1 Tama; he'll forever be my favorite Gen1 Tama. I dunno what it is about him that makes him so lovable. Maybe it’s the cute little grin he always has on his face? Or maybe it's the way he twirls around his screen so cute? Or maybe it’s how he plays the game and looks just soooooo cute always!? I guess it's everything about him really. He's kinda like Mimitchi, just so adorable in everything he does. He's always been one of the hardest characters for me to get on my Tama. I tried for the longest time and finally got him once. I am happy I got him 3 times in my last 12 group hatching. I just miss him so much now. I'm so sad...

Toda also was the office party. It was rather fun, which is kinda opposite of what I expected ;). The only thing I wish had happened was I wish Ginji had been there. He would've had fun. Santa came and gave out gifts, and we played games and had lunch, than got out of work early. So much happened, and both Mimitchi's were there, just wish Ginji was too. I think I'll end up hatching a couple of gen1's with the hopes of getting Ginji and Mametchi before the New Year begins. Maybe in a group hatching. Anyway, I would write more tonight, but as it is I am behind on wrapping and have a long evening ahead of me. Plus I'm just kinda sad that Ginji is gone, so I'm not very talkative. But maybe tomorrow after work I'll talk more about it. I only have a half day, so than I'll get the evening and than gonna un-wrap some gifts early. anyways...

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