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Written separately from my Tama Logs, this log covers my experience from day to day I experience with my Mesutchi & Osutchi. The Tama's them selves came from Japan and I read no Japanese so I took advice from what I have read on web pages and on the Tama List and hatched them on June 11th, 1998. This is part 3 and the finale segment of my first hatched pair of Mesu/Osu. Note: It might be good to read Mesutchi & Osutchi Information before you read this page, unless you have a pair and know what I'm talking about! :) I made these images on this page, please don't take them. If you choose to steal them anyway, don't link directly to my server, please upload to your own server.
July 26th, Sunday: Today I woke up late, again, and decided today was the day they were to mate! So I turned down the lights (heh) and logged into IRC and told my friends what was going on, then mated them on my computer desk. The odd thing was, I was expecting babitchi from the first generation or at least some other generation. I, instead, got babitchi from Generation 4 again! I am so surprised! I guess I took too good of care of them. I managed to make a really good animation of both the adults and the babies:
ChoHimetchi & Petit-Teretchi![]() |
ChoMametchi & Petit-Teretchi![]() |
I guess next time I won't treat them as well, I hope I don't get the same adults again, this could really go into a major circle ;) I gotta variey my caretaking this week.
They went to bed tonight at 10pm:
ChoHimetchi Sleep![]() |
ChoMametchi Sleep![]() |
Thursday July 30th: Two nights ago the parents left the two babies. I miss ChoHimetchi and ChoMametchi, they were so sweet and cute. For an entire day the babies stayed with me and were above demanding.. needing something 15 to 20 minutes or so. This morning when I was in bed sleeping I awoke to hear the changing tune and there they were.. the second half of the babitchi stage that I have had before, Harutchi. The TMP now reads 4 crowns and 5th generation!
Harutchi![]() |
In this stage they are much less needy, but still kinda wanting lots. I am only disciplining them to 50% and from now on I am not disciplining them anymore. I hope to get differant adults this time and maybe I won't go in this circle again? I'd love to get back to generation 3 and get the Mimitchi-like characters :)
I have updated my 'Glimpse of Tama' page, adding 3 new images of my Tama's, including a few of Mesu and Osu.
Sunday August 02: As try as I might treat them bad, they became them same kodomotchi character I had before, Pyukitchi Mesu and Kuribotchi on Osu, yesterday morning:
Pyukichi![]() |
Kuribochi![]() |
Since then I have let the discipline stay at 25% and have been treating them less then good, in hopes of getting a differant generation 4 adult character on both. I hope I have luck and don't end up going in circles over this :) When I get my other pair of Mesu/Osu (hopefully soon) then maybe I will start cross breeding them ;) Right now Osu is at 28 units and 6 years. Mesutchi is at 24 units and 6 years. So I guess they will be changing into adults by age 9 or 10 I beleive. We shall see I spose...
August 5th, Wednesday: Well unfortunitly there isn't a whole lot to say. After I declinded disciplining my two babies, they still became the teenage stage I had before:
Pyukichi![]() |
Kuribochi![]() |
And again after that I skipped many disciplines, they remained at 25% discipline in this stage and I took what I beleived to be was terrible care, they even got overweight and became Debutchi a couple of times. But with no luck... they became ChoHimetchi and ChoMametchi, unfortunitly.
Now, dont read me wrong, I do like these two characters, they are _very_ sweet and adorable. But I'd like to get back around to the generation 1 characters, or at least another generation. They changed into this stage yesterday morning while I was at work... and asked for discipline lots, but I only gave it to them once, forgetting I didn't want to discipline them, so they are at 75% each.
Truthfully I am afraid to mate them, even though they are ready today. I fear I will get those same babies again... I should just mate them now and get it over with, eh? Prolly. Since I will prolly get the same babies again :P
Let's see here... gota turn down the lights (hehehe) and I'm gonna put on some music here... hmmm... oh "The Love Album" ;). Lets see... How about an oldie, here we go! The song by Bread, "I want to make it with you" (LOL!). Oh yes, this is the song.
I'm gonna turn this one on and mate them before I finish this log, so the results will be posted here when they happen... here we go.. 7:35pm... music... lights.. oh yeah!
::Lights come up:: Phew... I'm tired! *LOL* Anyway... Oh guess it was exhausting for ChoHimetchi, she just pooped on her baby.. ick. Eek, they are still exposed, oops.. covers back on *LOL*. I'm sorry.. it just cracks me up.
Ok ok, I know you are saying shut up and get on with it.. so I will. I am ... unhappy to say the babies are the same generation 4. I hope this loop doesnt happen too often.
ChoHimetchi & Petit-Teretchi![]() |
ChoMametchi & Petit-Teretchi![]() |
I will say, though, that I am going to be having another pair of Mesu/Osu in my posession in the near future. If I have to get them out of this cycle by mating them with younger generations.. I have no problem with that, and I may end up doing that :) Eek ChoMametchi just pooped on his kid... :P
Sunday, August 9th: Well... as of the past few days I have been treating the babies rather badly, especially after their parents left them two nights ago. They have even been sulking because I am not giving them proper attention. You'd think this would get me somewhere, right? Wrong. TMP is still 4 crowns and they changed today into the second half of the baby stage again the same one I had before. Ugh. :P I've been treating them terribly. I don't know what else to do really. I'm trying to neglect as much as possible in hopes I won't be getting those two same characters again. Maybe I'll get lucky, this time.
I have thought of a couple of options in this situation. I could let them die instead of mating them and start over. But I'd rather not do that, I'm already on 6th generation. And the other option I have thought of is when my second pair of Mesu/Osu arrive in the mail I will start them right away and start mating the different pairs so I can get different characters. I am hoping this will work. I'm really hoping that I can just get them to change into something else this time.
Today when they changed they were all empty and had a poop on the screen. Want to know the funny part? When they changed from the baby poop (it's really small), the poop got bigger when they changed into the next part of the babitchi stage :P I love it... such an odd thing ;) Maybe they just added to it or something when they changed. hehe.
Thursday, August 13th: Well... They have continued to evolve along the lines they have so far. In fact they are now in the Komotchi stage and I am surprised they still became these characters. Since the parents left I have been treating them really really badly. In fact I have treated them the same way I treat a Gen1 Tamagotchi when I am trying to get the unhealthy teenage character. No less I still got these guys and the TMP has not gone down.
I have been soo mean I don’t know why they are still this good character! I mean I have let the poop pile up on the screen I never fill the hearts more then one when I do fill it.. which is rare and they even sleep next to their poop. They never get discipline. It's been hard to be so cruel to them. Since I have 9 other Tama's going right now though it hasn't been too hard with work too. But I feel just terrible about it. No less they will be changing into adults in a few days... so at that time I will know what is going on with them. Even if I do get the ChoHimetchi and ChoMametchi again, I could get different babies, which is what I am hoping for.
On the other hand I am hoping my other pair of Mesu/Osu will be arriving in the mail soon. Then I can start those two up and then I can cross mate them all, so I am guaranteed different children. :)
Actualy I went up to the mail box to see if I had any mail because I am expecting a few things and guess what happens to show up?! Yes! My long awaited Mesutchi and Osutchi! I ordered these in February and the mail messed up. Thankfully Jason was kind enough to get things figured out with what went wrong and now finally soo much longer down the road I am holding the order I had been awaiting for soo long.
The Mesutchi is white. The cover is orange and has the symbol for female in a darker orange. The egg is decorated with dark and light orange hearts. The border and buttons are orange as well.
The Osutchi is white and is the match to the Mesutchi, as they come in matching pairs :) The top is green with the symbol for male in a darker green. The egg is decorated in light and dark green stars. The border and buttons are green also. This was my first choice for Mesu and Osu. But honestly now that I look at it, I think I like my clear and smoke pair better, I always tend to like clear colors more anyways. I'm happy I have both though.
Now I said I would probably hatch the newest pair... but I have decided to not do that as of yet. I am going to wait to see what happens with my current pair of Mesu/Osu.. I have worked hard.. or should I say not worked at all to neglect them. ;)
Saturday August 15th: Well.. today seemed to be quite a bad day. First off I mated them as soon as I woke up this morning. I really wanted to know if my neglect had any effect on the children.. and in fact it had not...
ChoHimetchi & Petit-Teretchi![]() |
ChoMametchi & Petit-Teretchi![]() |
In fact, you wanna know something really weird? I did not discipline these children at all.. had no reason to. I treated them horrible. Right before I was to mate them I noticed that they had 50% discipline! Where did that come from?! The thing I make sure not to do when I am going for 'unhealthy characters' is to not discipline, yet there it was.. half full. I am still baffled at that one.
Today I left the house and went to the mall to buy some stuff, look around.. whatever. While I took care of them when they called for attention.. I did not take care of them before they called attention. Except right when I entered the mall. Well.. the mall was very very loud, as always, today. After going a few places we decided to have lunch. Well I had just checked on Mesu and Osu before then. Then I ordered my sandwich and sat down and waited for it to be made. Well.. about 10 minutes later the sandwich was done, I got it and sat back down with my friend LeAnne and my sister Heidi... Doom soon struck me.
One by one I took my Tama's out of my purse checking on each on the way out. Only a few Tama's in and I pulled out Osutchi. On the screen was no longer ChoMametchi and his child... but the picture of a graveyard! I searched my purse for the other one and looked to find the same image! I was so horrified.. I just kept staring at them in disbelief. I just still can't believe it! I guess my bad caretaking when they were younger sent them to the grave? Or did they beep in that last 20 or 30 minutes and I missed it? I fear I starved them to death :( I have no idea why they died. My only guesses are that it was because I treated them so badly in their younger years, or that I missed the beeping in all that loudness and they died of starvation.. I feel so rotten. I wasn't taking really bad care of them today. I wanted to get them back to an adult so I could start my others and cross breed them with my second pair. I didn't want them to die :( After 2 months and 2 days they passed away. Even worse it was most likely my own fault and even worse off I didn't hear the beeping, if they make any, so they died alone. At least they had each other...
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When I looked the above image was on the screen. For over two months I had these Tama's going with me, 6 generations worth. I'm dearly sorry to them. I blame myself because I should have checked on them more often or something. I know they had just died though. I could push 'C' and it would scroll to the left. I could scroll through 3 different screens when I got here, by pressing 'B'. What I could see is the status for age and weight, then TMP, then Generation. Below is each of these screens as they are for them both.
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Well.. That wasn't the end of them though. Just when I thought it was all I was gonna see. Then I found the following on the screens:
Mesutchi Spirit![]() |
Osutchi Spirit![]() |
Goodbye sweet ChoHimitchi and ChoMametchi.. and your poor sweet children that never had a real chance at life. I love you guys, I'm hoping your in a better place and hoping you forgive me for my neglective actions. I'm sorry, so sorry...