Welcome to Mystic Fortress Electronic Furby Babies Frequently Asked Questions. I have done my best to answer as many questions here and while I'm no employee of Tiger Electronics I know that my answers are true to the best of my knowledge. I will add questions as I get them in email. If you arrived here from another page please take a look at my main Furby Babies page, main Furby page and the main page of my site, thanks.
- Where can I buy Furby Babies?
- How do I wake Furby Baby up?
- How do I make Furby Baby go to sleep?
- Is there such thing as Easter Eggs? What are they? Do you have a list of Furby Babies Easter Eggs?
- What is the difference between re-set and re-start? Why is it so important not to re-start?
- How do I teach Furby Babies English? Can he learn my name? Does he learn from me?
- I missed hearing my Furbys name, how can I get Furby Baby to say his name again?
- I lost my instructions for Furby Babies, where can I find a copy online?
- The touch sensors do not seem to be working. I tickle him and rub his back but get no response. Is he defective?
- How do I feed my Furby Baby? How much do I feed? Will he leave his mouth open when he's hungry?
- Is my Furby a Boy or a Girl?
- How do I make him call me Mommy/Daddy?
- Do they communicate differently with Furby Adults then with Babies?
- Do they have a bigger vocabulary then the adult Furbys? Do they say more things?
- How do I play the games?
- How long does it take for Furby Babies to go through batteries? Do I have to use a certain type of battery only? When should I change the batteries?
- Can I have Tiger Electronics phone number?
- I've tried everything but Furby Baby is broken what do I do about it?
- How long does it take for Tiger Electronics Repair Department to return a Furby Babies that required repair?
- Is there an FAQ section on Adult Furbys?
- If my question is not answered on this FAQ what can I do?
Disclaimer: I only try to help, anything you do that harms your Furby Babies is your own fault. I give my advice but I may not always be right. I don't work for Tiger Electronics. You are responsible for your own actions. Furby, Furby Babies, Furbish, and all related is ®, TM,& ©Tiger Electronics, LTD. USA
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